Change 3 Things
I didn't think about cloth diapers much when my first two kids were born – maybe a fleeting thought that no one used them anymore. Or that they were only used by hippies (do they still exist?) and environmental zealots. But by the time my third child came along a decade later, things had changed. I was pregnant, my husband was diagnosed with Cancer, was going through chemo, and he had lost his job.
But, regardless of my current circumstances baby was on his way and we had to get ready. Cloth diapers seemed to be a little complicated (or maybe it was because my husband was going through chemo and I felt I couldn't handle anything extra.) When Noah was born in November I started him off in disposables.
My husband has since finished chemo and things have the promise of being "normal" again. Noah is now 5 months old and a few weeks ago, after reading yet another article on the toxins in disposable diapers I looked into cloth diapers. The choices were endless - covers or inserts, snaps or hook and loop, folded or unfolded? All really great choices, I just had no idea what was what. I started looking into all the different companies that make cloth diapers and I liked Cotton Babies the best, they seem to have babies in their best interest, not just a healthy profit line. So I contacted them about doing a write up for my blog.
Cotton Babies told me about their campaign, Change 3 Things. It is an awareness campaign designed to promote the environmental and economical impacts of cloth diapering. Changing three cloth diapers a day is a small change for one family that equals BIG impact for our planet. Did you know that one child can use approximately 6,000 disposable diapers by the age of 24 months, resulting in one ton of garbage? And they can take up to 500 years to decompose!! Ummm, eww. We won't even discuss the cost difference (saving anywhere from $500 to $2000 per year). I took the opportunity to change! I started with several different samples of styles, covers and insert options. Really all great - try them all and choose whichever you prefer. Since receiving the cloth diapers, Noah has not been in one disposable diaper! No, not even at night. I really can't believe how easy it is and why more people aren't doing it.
I'm starting my fourth week and I can honestly say I wish I would have started little one on cloth diapers at birth.
I'm a different mom now than I was then, always aware of how my choices effect the environment and planet, ultimately effecting us all. Change isn't always easy, but when you're learning and trying to make a difference in the world we live in, that's always a change for the better.
Anyway, great post. I prefer cloth diapers, too. I started about 25 month ago with my second newborn (but she's now potty training), and am pregnant with our third child. Here is my story: