Cinnamon Apple Baby Food

Thank you for stopping by little island studios!!  Please follow on GFC, Networked, Twitter and/or Facebook.  Have a fabulous and fun day!!

If I had known how easy and delicious this was, I would have made it sooner!  The recipe is from Start Fresh with Tyler Florence.  I did a review for it a couple of weeks ago and the book is  now covered in food, I use it so much!! 

I made Cinnamon Apples, and I'll never buy jarred applesauce again!  Not sure who ate more of this, me or baby!

Roasted apples on baking sheet.

After roasting: ingredients in bowl and mix.  If needed put in food processor.

Yes, I know, I need to work on my photography skills :)  I really wanted to share how healthy and easy this is to do!!

Check out Start Fresh and recipe! 

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Yes, I bought the book myself. No, they didn't pay me to write this :) 


Thanks so much for sharing with Momtrends for our Friday Food Linky. Your photos are great--it's easy to see the process. Have a great weekend.