Begin Anywhere with Paper Coterie Giveaway!!

August is Begin Anywhere month with Paper Coterie, and they are celebrating by giving away $40.00 giftcards with free shipping to ten, yes TEN, to little island studios readers!!!  Wooo Hooooo!!

I have been on their site for a couple hours this morning, mostly because I can't decide which fabulous product to get!  I am so excited about this giveaway! 

Paper Coterie has photo books printed on premium 50% recycled fiber paper,
Recipe Books Coil Bound Durable Plastic Cover printed on 100% recyclable tree-free paper
Fun Grow Charts for Kids
Breathable Fabric Posters that are durable and repositionable!
And LOTS more!!

Check out their site and find out what you can get, Paper Coterie! Gotta pictures are done uploading on the poster I chose to get! Soooo happy for me! ;)

Giftcards are to be used within the month of August!!

Giveaway!! Leave comment for each entry!

Follow Paper Coterie on Facebook

Follow Paper Coterie on Twitter

Follow little island studios on GFC and/or Networked (gadget is to the right)comment on each

Follow little island studios on Twitter

Sign up for little island studios via email (don't forget to confirm)

Good luck to all entries, giveaway ends Sunday night, 10 winners will be chosen via and is open to all US residents.

I was provide with giftcode to Paper Coterie from Mom Select. They are also providing the giveaways. No other compensation was given.


The Three of Us said…
I follow Paper Coterie on Facebook!
The Three of Us said…
I'm following little island studios on Networked
The Three of Us said…
I'm also following little island studios on GFC
braxybree said…
following p.c. on fb!
braxybree said…
following little island studios on networked blogs!
braxybree said…
following you on fb
braxybree said…
following little island studios on twitter!
C.L. Davis said…
Already follow PC on FB!
Janet said…
Love PC, had not heard of it until I saw it here...Thank You! I followed them on Twitter and fb, and I already follow you on blog, fb and twitter. Please enter me in the PC giveaway!
Susie Buetow said…
Follow Paper Coterie on Facebook (Susan B cafescrapper at gmail dot com)

xoxo SusieQTpies
Susie Buetow said…
Follow Paper Coterie on Twitter via @susieQTpies

cafescrapper at gmail dot com
Susie Buetow said…
I follow little island studios on GFC
Susie Buetow said…
I follow little island studios on Networked blogs.
Susie Buetow said…
I follow little island studios on twitter via @susieqtpies
Susie Buetow said…
I'm subscribed via email. arteachersusan at gmail dot com
Melissa C. said…
Just started following you on Facebook!
Hi there! I (and my two little boys) met you and your sweet family at the picnic tonight...just before the deluge! I'm loving your blog and now following your and PC's tweets and FB page. Here are the blogs I told you about tonight. The first is my own and the second is my friend's (photographer, creative mom-extraordinaire) - she also lives in this area!
ooo- I see how this is being done! (oops)
I follow PC on FB
I follow little island studios on twitter