Kiddy USA Cityn' Move Stroller Giveaway!
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Hi my name is island girl (not really) and I am a stroller snob. In my opinion, strollers and car seats are the absolute most important items moms and dads should buy for my little ones! All of my children are so far apart in age that I never used the same stroller for them. So, I have gone through my share of strollers and to be honest I have never been overly thrilled with any of them.
My notes:
The Cityn' Move glides and turns easily and is perfect for taller moms & dads.
It comes with a cup holder and car seat attachments. I love that you do not have to pay extra for those!
It not a tiny stroller (which is a plus to me), if you drive a Cooper, it may be a bit too big for your taste.
I have a thing for canopies and this one is the best one I have found. Also, has a sneak peak top that folds over with Velcro.
The stroller stands up by itself while not being used, upside down. (on one wheel & handles.
Cityn' Move is apparently so comfortable for little one, that if let unfolded in living room, little one will climb in and sit happily. (nope, not kidding)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is not a compensated post. I was given product for review purposes. Opinions, happy hubby and extremely happy little one...all mine :D
Hi my name is island girl (not really) and I am a stroller snob. In my opinion, strollers and car seats are the absolute most important items moms and dads should buy for my little ones! All of my children are so far apart in age that I never used the same stroller for them. So, I have gone through my share of strollers and to be honest I have never been overly thrilled with any of them.
Until now, I have been looking for a go-to stroller, as my little one has quickly outgrown ours (it was supposed to go up until 50 lbs., let me assure you, it came no where near that)! Kiddy USA sent me a Cityn' Move stroller and it is going to go to every bit of the 55lbs it is brilliantly design to! Yes, I am extremely pleased and a bit bummed I did not start off with the Cityn' Move, as it is designed to accommodate an infant car seat (the docking stations are included in package. No need to pay extra).
Fabulous color (have I mentioned my love of everything orange?)
and the safety bar across is just wonderful!
Kiddy USA has seven gorgeous colors to choose from.
Plenty of room and love how the canopy does not interfere and
folds up high so as not to bother little ones!
It is a dream to push and glides smoothly and easily. My old one was very "jerky" and spilled my coffee. Every time.
As you can see, the canopy is more than accommodating for nap time, wind, sun or rain.
Little one finds this stroller very comfortable!!
He is very picky when it comes to car seat and strollers.
The height of the stroller is quite a bit taller than any other stroller I have tested out. I cannot tell you how happy this makes my husband! He absolutely loves it and you know if a guy is going on about a stroller it must be good! ;D I love the height as well, I am not a fan of stooping over to push my kiddo. Stooping is not attractive.
Well built and designed! The leg rest is adjustable for little one falls asleep!
The zipper in the bottom carrier makes it easier to put your
packages in when little one is sleeping reclined!
This is the Cityn' Move in Cranberry with car seat attached. Plenty of room for the canopy.
My notes:
The Cityn' Move glides and turns easily and is perfect for taller moms & dads.
It comes with a cup holder and car seat attachments. I love that you do not have to pay extra for those!
It not a tiny stroller (which is a plus to me), if you drive a Cooper, it may be a bit too big for your taste.
I have a thing for canopies and this one is the best one I have found. Also, has a sneak peak top that folds over with Velcro.
The stroller stands up by itself while not being used, upside down. (on one wheel & handles.
Cityn' Move is apparently so comfortable for little one, that if let unfolded in living room, little one will climb in and sit happily. (nope, not kidding)
Kiddy USA is giving away a Cityn' Move Stroller in Walnut Color, to one fabulous little island studios reader!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is not a compensated post. I was given product for review purposes. Opinions, happy hubby and extremely happy little one...all mine :D
Theresa N
Theresa N
Theresa N