Shake-Up Your Wake-Up With Silk Fruit & Protein!

Thank you for stopping by little island studios, please subscribe by email to follow along in family fun!

This post is a paid sponsorship.  However, I have been buying Silk products for years and have bought Fruit & Protein since it came out! Silk is part of the Non-GMO verified project, they had me at that! ;)

                 Good morning, good morning to you! 

It's time to wake up and enjoy all the day has to offer!  Woot!  
How would you like to wake up to this being happily sung/said every single morning?  Welcome to my children's world :)  Mornings are my absolute favorite!  I have my own wake up routine and I have a family wake up routine.  

Starting your morning off happy and energized inspires your kids to follow your example!  

I have a yoga workout and then check my email whilst I toast my barley sprout English muffin, French preserves, freshly brewed fair-trade coffee and pour a glass of Silk Fruit & Protein this makes my mornings happy and healthy!  It is my most looked forward part of my day.    By the time the kids get up, I am wide awake, refreshed and in a fabulous mood!  You can often tell this by my tweets in the mornings!

When my kiddos get up we make breakfast together.  Sometimes we make French toast with Silk Fruit & Protein, this is a treat not to be missed! (recipe coming soon to a blog near you ;)  We eat together and talk about what we are doing that day and upcoming fun we are excited about!  Cooking and eating together in the mornings always starts our day off on the right step and not to mention...deliciously healthy step!

We also enjoy making my pancake recipe with Fruit & Protein Strawberry Banana...oh my!  Seriously delicious!
Blend Fruit & Protein with 1 cup of frozen or fresh organic strawberries,
and your kids can have this look too!
We also love to make Ice Lollies with Silk Fruit & Protein, our Tropical & Super Hero Ice Lolli recipe, was featured in Green Child Magazine last summer!

I love all of Silk's products for their versatility in cooking, baking and of course drinking options!

• Good source of soy protein
• Excellent source of calcium and vitamin D
• Full day's supply of vitamin C
• Absolutely no cholesterol or saturated fat
• Verified by the Non-GMO Project’s product verification program
• Free of dairy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg and MSG
• No artificial colors, flavors or funny business

For more information on Silk's stance on food labeling, please check out their website!
And love their work with the Colorado River Project! 

@lovemysilk on Twitter   #SilkFruit

This is a paid sponsorship with SocialMoms and Silk as part of a blogging program.  Opinions are my own. (this is a brand I purchase every week, whether I am blogging it or not)


We tried this after making some ice pops from a recipe of yours and my kids just love it. There always seem to be coupons, too, so the price is much less than juice (which I don't like to give them often). It's a great compromise to make us all happy!
Unknown said…
Silk is soy milk right? Sounds great but we have a soy allergy in our house. :-(
Susie Buetow said…
We like Silk!!! Yummy!