Rock the Lunch Box With Mac & Cheese & ECOlunchbox! #RockTheLunchBox

Thank you for stopping by little island studios, please subscribe by email to follow along in family fun!

Today's post is part of the Rock The Lunch Box!  Opinions and delicious mac & cheese are mine!

If you are in a rush and still want to make a healthy lunch for your kids try this easy add in for our Rock The Lunch Box choice.  

Mac and Cheese with added hemp seeds, fresh pineapple in flower shapes and medijool dates! 

Absolutely love ECOlunchBoxes come with a separate container for dips, sauces or yogurts!  

Little one can not wait!

One package of Annie's Homegrown with a small package of Hemp Seeds added in right before you eat...absolute foodie bliss

My Notes:

ECOlunchbox is our fabulous sponsor for this project! 

As always I buy organic and non-GMO foods.  Remember you vote for a product everytime you REAL FOOD, Organic!

The is a combined project with Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, Annie's Homegrown, Organic Valley & Honest Tea - Rock The Lunch Box
