Top 10 Beginning Label Reading Tips for Moms!

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As a mom, the well being and our children's health is of the utmost importance to me and every mom.  However, I have a hard time understanding how we (or maybe just me?) do hours up-on hours of research on carseats, strollers and even what kind of bottles to use.  Are they BPA free?  What is the carseat safety rating? Etc...  But, we do not seem to do much, if any, research on foods.  

We need and must have a food revolution, an awaking regarding our "food" system before it is too late.  Exactly how many people (children included) must get sick before we realize what is going on?  

Amazing goodness from the local organic & chemical free farm! 

If you are new to your own "food revolution" here are some simple and basic tips to start with.  And as always...continue moving forward and learning as you go.

Freshly picked black raspberries are absolutely amazing!

These are the basic things I started with years ago regarding label reading.  What are your tips?

1.  The less ingredients the better.

2.  If you cannot pronounce the words...put it back.

3.  I look for the Verified Non-GMO and Organic labels as often as possible.

4.  Peanut Butter should have peanuts.  No more, no less.

5.  I buy Organic Grass Fed Whole Milk.  The low fat and skim milks have Vitamin A Palimate added and that is but a mirror image of a vitamin. (i.e. not a real vitamin)

6.  If you buy bottled water, make sure it is without fluoride. 

7.  If you can only buy a few things organic - start with meats and dairy.

8.  I avoid labels that say "diet" and "low fat".

9.  Bake instead of buying packaged goods.  Bake a double batch and freeze for later.

10.  Choose Real Food instead of Packaged Foods as often as possible.  Fruits and        Veggies everyday.

Organic Blueberries for everyone! 

Add fresh asparagus and peppers to your eggs in the morning!

Above all - Think For Yourself.  It is your life, your children and your healthy futures.  
You care the most.

More advance tips and helpful tips coming up next week.


Unknown said…
Beautiful photos!!
Nicki said…
Thank you so very much! Easy to do when you are working with real food! (that being said...can't wait to get a new camera ;) Thanks again!
Unknown said…
Thanks for the tips - these are some great photos.