Royal Berkey Clean Water Filter Giveaway!

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             Woot! We are so very pleased today's post and giveaway is sponsored by 
                                                                 More Than Alive! 

Clean water is, of course, just as important as real food.  We have been traveling this summer and have had only access to city water with fluoride and chlorine.   It is absolutely noxious and not acceptable!  Water should be clean.  No chemicals added. 
 Is this not common sense?  I did research (I know, you're so surprised) on water filters two years ago and Berkey Water Filters were the clear answer.  They take out chemicals, toxins and fluoride without using electricity.  This would have been wonderful the summer the power was out for four days and the water did not work.   This summer we have city water and the water smells and the taste is awful.  The chlorine is so strong it makes my eyes water and nose burn.  Um, this really cannot be good.  Needless to say, properly filtering water is just as important to our health as eating real food!

As you may know I am very aware of toxins, pesticides and other dangerous substances in our food, and our water is no different.  Whether you have well water or city water, chances are a filter would be a good idea.  More Than Alive thinks so too - they have the complete selection of Berkey Water Filters.

More Than Alive offers everything for health living -  vitamins, oils, Berkey Water Filters, eco-friendly clothing, flours to cook with, books and supplements. - all organic, non-GMO and for real healthy living.
More Than Alive has Organic Tea as well!  

Drinking water was typically polluted with viruses, parasites, pathogenic bacteria, cysts, and the usual heavy metals, such as lead and mercury. Municipalities treat water for such contaminants with marginal to moderate success. However, treated water is often found to have excessive levels of chlorine and fluoride, and there is an increasing amount of research proving that these chemicals do more harm than good (it's like choosing between two evils).
To make matters worse, municipalities across the U.S. are finding unprecedented levels of pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals in water. The list of pollutants commonly found in drinking water seems to just keep growing. Pesticides, MTBE, trihalomenthanes, nitrates, herbicides, VOCs, radon 222, organic solvents, and the list goes on. - More Than Alive

My Notes:

I am so thrilled with More Than Alive.  Wonderful customer service, excellent products and shipping.

If you are new to little island studios, please check out  My Fight Against Pesticides, it gives a little insight on why it is of the upmost importance that I protect my family's health.

YES! YES! YES!  I absolutely recommend Berkey Water Filters, I really wish I would have bought one years ago.  

More Than Alive is offering a 10% off of their website! Use the CODE: LISALE10  good for 10% off of orders $50.00 or more (not including shipping). 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is a sponsored post.  Opinions of the water filters being an absolute necessity for healthy living  are my own.  


latanya t said…
Wise Food 56 Serving Breakfast and Entrée
Unknown said…
I actually get sick if I have bad water. The tap water in New Orleans gave me horrible stomach cramps. The Gaithersburg water isn't much better.

Really, WSSC?!?
Unknown said…
There are some fabulous looking teas and spices on the More Than Alive site. I have my eye on some cinnamon...
Tina Tapia said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Tapia said…
As a mom of 4 with children who are bound to get sick, I'd really like to try the essential oils!
Crystal McCord said…
The essential oils, Wise foods, and bulk herbs.
jerimiles said…
Berkey Water system and essential oils are my favorites.
Misti said…
Along with the Berkey which would be awesome, I'd love to try Super Mom.
Jennifer said…
oh a berkey.... i need a berkey so much ;-)
Unknown said…
Super Mom is something I'd definitely try. Thanks for the opportunity to win the Berkey, too :)
Tammigirl said…
I love the water filters. I also would like to have seven of the deluxe survival kits - one for each family member in the house.
Stacy said…
I love the bulk herbs and foods. I love the wheat.
Stacy said…
Bulk herbs and foods, especially the wheat berries.
Barker's Momma said…
I like the Wise Deluxe Survival Kit. Would definitely come in handy in case of an emergency.
Unknown said…
would love a chance at the berkey, my friend has one and loves it!
sr said…
Wise Deluxe Survival Kit
sr said…
Wise Deluxe Survival Kit
Unknown said…
Thank you for this offer!
gracemyrtle said…
Berkey's are awesome! My daughter took one to Africa and didn't have any issues while she was there nor did I when I visited for 2 weeks. Now I need my own Berkey!
Emily said…
I love the berkey filters.
Bree said…
I like the Wise Food 7 Day Ultimate Emergency Meal Kit
jitterbug1 at gmail dot com
Rebekah said…
I would like to try the essential oils.
Anonymous said…
I would love either the Imperial or the Crown Berkey and I love the essential oils.
Tania said…
This is been on my wish list for years! Great giveaway!
Susan H. said…
I would like the ProShower filter.
angdimaggio said…
I would buy a water filter!!!
Anonymous said…
lovely giveaway!!
mothertofour said…
We would LOVE to use a Berkey filter to take the chlorine out of our water.
Anonymous said…
I love Morethanalive and would really like to win a Berkey!


leekat6 at hotmail dot com
Mom2Ivy said…
I'd love to try some of the essential oils and I really need some bentonite clay. The Super Mom supplement looks good too :)
Anonymous said…
Would love the Berkley water filter for our large family with many food allergies! Not having to worry about bad water would be one extra joy!
3sweetpease said…
I would love to try the Berkey water filter.
Anonymous said…
Royal Berkey.....mmmmm..... :)
Hannah said…
I'd like to try the mullein leaf for this winter.
lavenderandbasil said…
This would be so awesome to have and very snazzy to put in your kitchen!
Anonymous said…
Read about the Berkly water filter and woul love to have one for clean, safe water. I order my herbs from you site and find them to be of high quality.
Anonymous said…
would absolutely love to own a Berkley water filter. love your high quality herbs too.
Hannah said…
We hoard water from a natural spring 3 hours away (used to live 10min away, in Buchtel Ohio, the best around) would help us with gas to win a Berkey!
Anonymous said…
Berkey is a much desired "traveling" companion. Changes the message from "don't drink the water" to "enjoy". No more plastic bottles clogging the vehicle space.
Kim said…
We have well water, but our land is surrounded by a tree farm and wonder if their sprays get into our water.

Would love a Berkley system.
Marie R said…
Would love to win the Berkey. It is a great system!
Unknown said…
This would be the perfect answer for my newlywed daughter, so she can have clean water, in her goal to start our her marriage in a healthy way!
Miriam said…
Could so use this water filter system as I know the city water that I drink is no good. Thanks
Anonymous said…
Family members have the Berkey....I would like to have my own.
Dana d said…
I have 5 boys with lots of friends. I don't buy pop...we drink lots of Culligan. The best way to make me feel like a queen... fill my dream for either of the Imperial or Crown Berkey Water Filters! Your products look amazing!!!
The Fam said…
we could use bulk arrow root powder!

The Fam said…
We'd use bulk arrow root powder!
Elena Vo said…
I like the Spirulina Powder on
Unknown said…
I like the herbs & essential oils!
Unknown said…
One day, I should show you the results from our independent water testing. We fell below and above WHO levels on a few things.
Annette said…
I like the Wise Food 56 Serving Breakfast and Entrée. We get hurricanes pretty often and it's tiring always having to fight the crowd at the grocery store to load up on supplies. This would come in handy for those times.
Gala said…
I also like raw cacao and Bentonite clay
Brittany Thomas said…
Love essential oils, bentonite clay, and if I had a Berkey the fluoride filters would be top of my list!