Sponsored: Get a head start on head lice this back-to-school season – Visit ExpertAdviceOnLice.com

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The below content is sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur’s Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

It’s almost that time again! The back to school season is just around the corner, and with that comes preparing for a new teacher, a new classroom and a new year.

One thing that parents may not prepare for is … head lice! The truth of the matter is, head lice are common and can happen to any child. An estimated 6 to 12 million infestations occur each year in the U.S., which means many parents are likely to experience firsthand how lice can impact their children, families or friends. 

Unfortunately, head lice are common in elementary schools – about one out of every 100 elementary school children becomes infested. Many parents may not know where to turn for accurate information. 

Now here’s the good news: there is a website available to provide you with all the information you need when your child gets that dreaded letter home from school, or if you just want to learn more to be prepared. ExpertAdviceOnLice.com is driven by experts who are also moms, so they get it. The website features basic information on the little critters, including symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment options:
  • The How to Lose the Lice Guide, with a handy checklist to save time and reduce stress when battling head lice.
  • The Headfirst! Lice Experience video allows you to choose your experience, whether it be you’re not sure you have lice, or you just want to get rid of them:

It’s important to remember the most common way to spread head lice is head-to-head contact. Thinking ahead with things like checking with parents before slumber parties to find out if anyone recently had lice, or teaching your child to avoid sharing brushes or hats is a good start.

So if you are trying to get rid of head lice, or a parent who always likes to be prepared, visit Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice for more information.

The below content is sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur’s Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.