Today is Drive 4 Pledges Day For AT&T's #ItCanWait Campaign!

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Today's post is a sponsored campaign with ATT.

Texting and driving is no laughing mater.  No text is worth risking your family.

  It Can Wait!

Today is Drive 4 Pledges Day. Put your pledge in action and help us spread the word!

(Yes, I know it's Talk Like A Pirate Day, perhaps all your texts can be in Pirate Talk?) ;D

It's simple, all you have to do is download our resources and share the message on social or in your community today. Share your #ItCanWait posts on Twitter and Instagram, download and print Drive 4 Pledges Day posters to hang at your school or in your office, and tell your friends, family, colleagues, and communities to sign the pledge!
We can work together to keep our friends and families safe and help saves lives. 

This is a sponsored post from ATT, opinions are my own.
