Boys & Girls Club of America & Cyber Safety! #CyberTribe #CyberSafe #spon

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Today's post is sponsored by Mom Central and The Boys & Girls Club of America!

Boys & Girls Clubs of America has partnered with Sprint to bring cyber awareness to kids, teens, as well as parents.  The social media changes fast and to stay on top these days, parents must keep up-to-date on what is out there and the constant changes that are being made.  Some are good and protect your privacy, however most require you to tweak your child's account to keep them safe and within your privacy limits.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America has a Cyber Quiz for parents to see where you stand in your cyber knowledge.  I know so many parents that really have no idea of what sites their kids are on, not to mention how to work the privacy settings.  Most kids are on more than Facebook.  And Facebook alone is constantly changing their privacy settings - each time you have to manually check the settings.   Where are you in cyber knowledge?  Take the cyber quiz and see - HERE.

Get involved and ask your own questions at Boys & Girls Clubs of America and be registered to win an iPad Mini and $500!  A Win Win!  Enter HERE.

Every teen deserves a cyber safe future!  Are you cyber ready?

Follow @BGCA_Clubs on Twiter #CyberSafe #CyberTribe

BGCA Clubs on Facebook

I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for BGCA. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating. 
