Relax, Recharge & Unwind With Netflix TV Streaming Tonight! #StreamTeam #spon

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After I put the kids to bed, I really like to put something on for me.  Something that perhaps isn't an animated character teaching me how to read.  Something that only I get to watch.  It's not very often that I sit down to relax but, Netflix is how I unwind.  Ahhh! How do you unwind when the kids go to bed?  Or really, what do you do when you are folding laundry at 11:00 at night? 

Parenthood directed by Ron Howard on Netflix is a fabulous way to unwind at night after the kids go to bed.  No commercials, when you choose - awesome! 

Pretty Little Liars, I know is quite popular, I haven't seen it yet.  I have heard from other moms they watch it with their teen daughters.  Have you seen it?  Do you like it?

I absolutely love Once Upon A Time and I watch it with my daughter.  In my opinion, the best TV show out there!  Love it!

Did you miss Freaks and Geeks?  I have never seen it, but I am loving the actors and have added it to my list!
No, I've never seen Weeds either, but I like the actress and I must say - the story line is intriguing!
Seen it?
Love this movie worthy recipe of Red Wine Spritzer & Pizza Popcorn!
As always, I only recommend organic popcorn!  
(if it is not organic, it is most likely GMO.)

I am absolutely thrilled to be a Netflix StreamTeam member.  I have been a Netflix subscriber long before social media.  And I would never recommend if I didn't think it was fabulous!
