Eating Well & A Fast & Simple Breakfast!
Thank you for stopping by little island studios, please subscribe by email to follow along in family fun!
(no, not just breakfast pics ;)
This is just a reminder that breakfast, for the most part, can be simple! There is no need to skip a healthy breakfast or stop at a fast food place and load up with GMO laden "food", that is not doing your body any favors. This is fast food at it's finest! Enjoy!
Choose organic in-season fresh fruit.
Organic orange juice ("conventional orange juice has added "flavor packets" thanks)
Grate some fresh turmeric into your orange juice, you can barely taste it and the benefits are amazing!
gluten free or sprouted toasties
ghee or grass fed butter
lemon curd or jam (no added sugars)
And of course - coffee! We like TOMS Roasted Co - organic and fair trade and where you are giving clean water when you buy!
This is not sponsored, but just a reminder that real food, that brings health and wellness, need not be complicated.
Live Well, Lovelies!