Busy Bees, Flowers, Crafts & More Bee Fun!
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Busy bees are a sign of spring and summer and bees are to be celebrated! Bees are absolutely necessary to our food supply and healthy living. While you make these bees of your own, talk about bees with your kids - their hive, colony and their impact on our own food system.
Busy bees are a sign of spring and summer and bees are to be celebrated! Bees are absolutely necessary to our food supply and healthy living. While you make these bees of your own, talk about bees with your kids - their hive, colony and their impact on our own food system.
Cut out your bee shapes, wing shapes and flower shapes with flower centers.
Glue your wings on the back of the bee at the top.
Glue a goggly eye on or you can draw or paint the eye
Paint or draw three stripes on the bee.
Let dry.
Glue your flower center circle on your flower. Let dry.
Decorate where ever you want with your bees and flowers!
Keep your flowers bee friendly and free from all chemicals and pesticides!
Paint, Beeswax crayons, construction paper, goggly eyes, glue and scissors.
We love our book rack with spring picture books and busy bees and flowers!
More Fun Facts for Kids About Bees:
Have you seen The Hive on Netflix? We absolutely love them -
what could be better than adorable British bees?!
Flight of the Honey Bee is a fabulous picture book to introduce kids to the world of bees!
Articles for Moms and Dads:
How To Plant a Bee Friendly Lawn via Organic Gardening
Bees are dying by the tens-of-thousands and the entire bee species is extremely threatened right now. Please keep your lawn and neighborhood bee friendly. Say NO to Roundup pesticides and chemicals in your lawn. Keep your lawn free from chemicals - for the bees and your healthy family!
It is all connected - health, environment, planet and water.
What we do to one, we do to the other. Eat well and buy organic foods as often as possible. Drink clean non-flouride water. Keep your lawn free of chemicals and fertilizers. Better yet - turn your lawn into an organic garden!
Happy Spring, Lovelies!