Green Goodness Smoothie! #spon
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Today's post is sponsored by Stonyfield Organic Greek Yogurt!
For a green treat every single day, treat yourself to GREEN Goodness!
I know every one is making green (synthetic colorings) to celebrate St. Patrick's Day - how about celebrating with green treats every single day! Don't forget to eat your greens! Nothing compares to the taste and healthy benefits of fresh greens. This is one of our favorites, but we variate quite often out of creativity, what's on hand in our fridge and what we feel like that day.
Ingredients - remember variate your favorite frozen fruit to what you like or try something new until you create your favorite go-to green smoothie! Have fun! I buy every thing I can organic (I're shocked ;) but do what you can and DON'T stress! I like this little post at Social Moms on what to buy organic. No happy and healthy!
Don't you just LOVE a rainbow?!
1.5 - 2 cups of fresh greens - rainbow chard, green collards, kale (there are several kinds), make sure part of that is a handful of cilantro and/or Italian parsley - great detoxers and very inexpensive (and quite tasty)
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
2 teas of Ceylon Cinnamon
2 teas of freshly grated ginger
1 teas of freshly grated turmeric
1 heaping tablespoon of chia seeds
1 level tablespoon of Phylum - for detoxing (mixing it tastes better than drinking alone, in my opinion)
2/3 cup of Stonyfield Greek Yogurt - plain (no sugar added)
squeeze of 1/2 lemon
2 cups of pineapple or mango - I like a combination of these two. Freeze them or just buy frozen.
Strawberry, wild blueberries, black raspberry, fig, raspberry and combinations of these are all amazing! It is still winter right now and I'm freezing, so the pineapple and mango are particularly appealing to me! Close your eyes and put on your Beach Boys music (if you don't have any, try Amazon Music Prime and if you don't know who the Beach Boys are.... *sigh*. Please go listen anyway.) Yes, Jack Johnson is perfectly perfect too!
As you can was absolutely delicious!
Please join little island studios on Instagram where we share foodie, travel and family fun adventures everyday! Except for Saturday when my *&$* phone stopped working, couldn't be fixed and all my work was lost. *sigh* Join us anyway - it'll be delicious! (or at least worth it to see what phone I get - joy)
I am happy to be a Stonyfield Blogger! Opinions are my own. I already had this smoothie up to post and share - so enjoy!
Oh, thank you SO much! And thank you for pinning, I appreciate :) Happy Spring to you!