Spring Chicks Craft for Kids!

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We absolutely welcome spring and all that comes with it!  Including super easy, colorful and fun crafts! All you need for this Easter Chick is some construction paper, goggly eyes, glue, scissors and feathers.
So easy and such a fun way to bring in spring, celebrate Easter and a blast on a windy afternoon for play!

Construction paper
Googly Eyes
Beeswax Crayons and/or paint  (optional, but most fun!)

Cut out a large circle for the chick.
Cut out a triangle for it's nose
Paste the nose on
Glue goggly eyes on and feathers
Decorate in any way little one wants with beeswax crayons and / or paint

Happy Spring and Happy Easter to you and your lovelies!

More Spring Time Crafts - 

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