Disney Junior's Minnie's Pet Salon On DVD! #DisneyJunior #spon

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Today's post is sponsored by Disney Junior!

We are huge fans of Disney Junior's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and eagerly await new DVDs coming out and Minnie's Pet Salon does not disappoint!  Minnie's Pet Salon is fun, happy and energetic - as all of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes and DVDs!  We just love them!

Minnie's Pet Salon is approximately 120 minutes and has 5 episodes including the full-length Minnie's Pet Salon. 


Check out a feature trailer of Minnie's Pet Salon - Come on and bring your pets along!

Episodes also included: 
Daisy's Pet Project
Pluto's Puppy-Sitting Adventures
Donald's Ducks
Pluto Lends A Paw

Download Minnie's Pet Salon Activities

This is a sponsored post.  Opinions are our own and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is our favorite!
