Good Morning Broiled Grapefruit!
Hello, Morning!
Quite possibly the most refreshing breakfast you can make for yourself is broiled grapefruit. In the middle of winter snow and dreariness is citrus season. Enjoy it - citrus season is mother earth's gift for our well-being - mind and body!
Grab some organic pink grapefruit the next time you are at the market. Include some navels and any other citrus that looks amazing (which is all of it, this time of year) and get cooking.
Quite simply this is the most refreshing breakfast, but also the easiest. Slice your grapefruit. Turn on the oven broiler. Top your grapefruit halves with Manuka honey, Ceylon cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg. Broil for 2 minutes, or until warmed.
Mornings are my favorite part of the day!
Pure happiness!
If you follow little island studios on Instagram, you already know this!
You're welcome!
Other options for toppings - pure maple syrup, ginger root, chia seeds or sea salt.
What do you like to add on top of your broiled grapefruit?