Shop With Style & Like It Matters.
What we wear, eat, drink and spend our money on matters - now more than ever. When you spend your money on a product or food you are saying - you support it.
You are essentially voting for it.
We must think with every purchase is this what I want to support? What do I believe in? Am I support child labor, factory farming, GMO pesticide foods?
It matters now more than ever before.
What you buy and vote for now will ultimately affect your children's future.
We can NO longer close our eyes and minds and tell ourselves it does not matter. We have a world full of abusive child labor, horrific factory farming, animal testing and Cancer cause pesticides and GMOs - all from closing our minds because we think "others" will fix things or "others" are in charge of making things right.
WE MATTER. WE, YOU AND I are going to fix it. Every single day with every single purchase - WE, YOU and I are responsible! "Others" are not getting it done.
It is up to YOU!
Here are some of my favorite organic, fair trade and sustainable products, places and foods!
prAna has a new line of hemp and organic cotton and the clothes are gorgeous, feel great are fair trade!
Baskets From Africa - My favorite market totes - they are members of the Fair Trade Federation
The Futon Shop has organic cotton and humanly harvested wool (zero sheep are harmed) - such a refreshing change in a world full of dangerous chemical sofas full of toxic flame retardant.
Tuk Watches - buy a watch from TUK Watches out of Austin and a clean water filtration system, hand made in Cambodia and is provided to families in need! Gorgeous watches and clean water! What could be better?!
Zia's Cafe in Baltimore is doing things the right way. Fresh juice, eco-centric vibes and clean food make Zia's the lunch spot in the Baltimore and Towson area!
100 Good Deeds Bracelet - absolutely gorgeous bracelets and supports - The Abataka Foundation provides economic and educational opportunities to women and girls across Africa and elsewhere.
Susty Party - Sustainable party supplies and provides jobs to the blind!
TOMS Roasting Coffee - drink coffee like people are depending on you! Drink fair trade, organic and biodynamic coffee. You already know TOMS gives shoes to kids in need. But did you know they have coffee (really yummy coffee)? Try TOMS Roasting Co - they give clean water (not pharmaceuticals) to people in need!
Vapour Beauty - A girl needs lip gloss without the nasties!
The above bag is from Jade Tribe - purchased at TOMS Market Place
What are you voting for today?
Shop like it matters.
What are your favorite fair trade, sustainable and ethical companies / products? Let me know, I'll add them! Follow us on Instagram for food, fun and style!
this is not a sponsored post. Please email me or leave a comment to add your favorites!