Water Rowing Through the Winter!

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Thank you to WaterRower for collaborating and inspiring fun healthy living! 

My life is hectic and stressful to be quite honest.  There is absolutely nothing I can do about my current situation, however how I choose to deal with it and get through it is entirely up to me.  Staying healthy especially when things are hard takes purpose and perseverance.  I choose to eat fairly healthy, have gratitude for things in my life and row inside before the kids get up.

Rowing is unlike any sport I have done.  I find it low impact while making a big impact in my strength and energy levels.  I also enjoy my pants getting looser! Did you know that rowing uses somewhere close to 85% of your muscle mass?!  It's really incredibly effective and the perfect exercise, in my opinion. 

When I researched rowers Water Rower came up as the top choice for quality, style and usage.  The articles and research were not wrong.  Water Rower Rules! 

WaterRower’s wooden models are handcrafted from a selection of the world’s finest sustainable hardwoods.

WaterRowers are American Made!

Rowing for Healthy Living -

1.  WaterRower - Obviously.  WaterRower offers payment plans and previously rowed rowers and WaterRower   also has a rental program.  Or check gyms in your area that already have a rowing room! 

2.  Lightweight Shoes - nothing heavy or thick

3. Water Bottle - you'll need it! 

4. Music - I stream on Amazon Tap

5. Handwraps or long sleeve - The grip is padded, but I like wraps or extra grip! 

Also WaterRower has top notch workout grinders for athletes and sailors.  Start with the rower first though! 

Follow us on Instagram for rowing and fitness progress. 

Follow WaterRower on Instagram for inspiration and workout schedules! 

We are partnering with WaterRower this winter season.  This post is not a sponsored post, however.  Opinions are always my own.  Yes, I simply love my Water Rower.  
No affiliate links are on this page.
