You Might Be Addicted To Twitter If...
All your friends names start with @
You refer to your friends as "tweeps."
You haven't actually met these "friends".
You lose sleep when someone stops following you. (wondering was it something I tweeted?)
You reply to all questions in 140 characters or less.
Your spouse takes one look at you in you jammies and unbrushed hair, says nicely...umm, did you go anywhere today honey. You reply...why yes, went to the zoo with @BronxZoosCobra, and went to China with @lajollamom
Your mom asks you how your new hair color came out and you reply #looklikeshrek
You remember what you were doing on the day you hit 100 followers.
You send more tweets on your phone than your teenager sends text messages on theirs.
You think in #hashtags.
Your husband asks you what you did today, you tell him about the fabulous recipe you got from @JessSeinfeld.
All the parties you've been to lately, are in front of the computer. #twitterparty
Your first thought when anything happens is, "I should tweet this."
You've told your kids/spouse/boss to "wait a minute" while you finish a tweet.
You don't think you are addicted to twitter because you don't do two of the things on this list
Are you addicted?